Hillview Surgery has always been at the forefront of Patient Care and is committed to ongoing initiatives that will benefit you, the patients, in so many ways.
As well as engaging in the latest modern technology in order to provide a better service, the Surgery team will be involving patients themselves in the running and monitoring of the service it provides through the Patient Participation Group.
Members of the Group have no executive authority in the running of the Surgery, they are there to comment on the working of the Practice from a patient’s point of view. So often, when one is heavily involved in the detailed running of a business, it is very easy to overlook the obvious. One area identified initially was the usefulness of having a Suggestion Box. This is now in the Reception area and is already proving helpful.
In time, other areas will be developed where patients can benefit ever further.
Please feel free to speak directly to the PPG. They may not have all the answers, but will listen to you. You can contact the group by email at hillviewppg@hotmail.com
If you are happy for us to contact you periodically by email, please complete this form. This information will help us to make sure that we try to speak to a representative sample of the patients that are registered at this practice.